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What Happens to Debt after the SHTF?
We explore what happens do your debt when the financial system collapses, the government defaults, or we have a SHTF event?
Prepare for your Taxes to go Up – Part 1
Social Security is running out of money. The deficit is rising. Like it or not, taxes are going to have to go up.
This is How to Survive a Collapse
You need to add some financial preparedness to your standard preps if you want to survive to coming economic collapse.
Are Bank Closures a Sign of the Fall?
Will the banking system make a hard landing or a soft landing after the SVB closure? Are you prepared for whatever comes next?
How and Why to Avoid Becoming a Refugee
Being a refugee is like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Here are some alternatives and tips on how to avoid becoming a refugee.
FTX Bankruptcy Shows Importance of Controlling your Assets
Controlling your assets is another kind of self-reliance. When you control your hard assets, it's harder to be defrauded or caught in a collapse.
Higher Interest Rates To Crush the Economy
Just as you can’t take speed for years without suffering side effects, you can’t artificially amp up the economy and expect it not to crash.
Inflation: The Worst is Yet to Come
As gas prices start back up, it's clear the Biden Band-Aid didn't cure the problem and things are going to get worse before they get better.
Is this what a European Collapse Will Look Like?
This winter will see Europe and the EU stressed like never before. What kind of problems will the energy crisis and high inflation create?
How to Live with High Inflation
Is it too late to prepare for inflation? Maybe, maybe not,but you can still learn how to live with it.