The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: The Economy

A protester starts a fire

Rising Debt Forces Higher Taxes, Cuts to Social Programs

All around the world, people are protesting in the streets because of rising prices and cuts to services. Here are warning signs to watch out for.
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Inflation Hits 20 Percent Under Biden

Inflation, taxes, and recession fears are not only hurting everyday Americans, they are crushing small businesses, the economic engine of America.
Foreclosures are not unusual in a recession.

The Bad Economic News Will Continue Until Morale Improves

As the debt spiral drags us under, it will be increasingly difficult to avoid inflation, a recession, stagflation or even hyperinflation.
It's always nice to open a beehive and find it full of bees! As the honey flow starts, the more bees there are, the more honey they will bring home.

Homestead Updates and Prepping Thoughts

Updates on the economy, precious metals pricing, our beehives, our solar power system, and the use of drones for prepping.
9mm ammunition

All About Investing in Tangible Goods

The ins and outs of investing in tangible goods, including why and how.
A dystopian future might await us.

How to Face the Three Threats

A dystopian future caused by war, political strife, and economic collapse might await us. How can we prepare to survive that?
The debt clock is ever increasing,

It’s Looking Pretty Ugly Out There

Between politics, the economy and world affairs, it’s looking pretty ugly out there. War looms, inflation rises, and politics degrades us.
There's a storm brewing on the horizon.

It’s Ugly Out There, but What Looms on the Horizon Could...

There's a storm on the horizon—the economy, crime, layoffs, open borders, war—and it looks like its bearing down on us.
A building in Ukraine destroyed in the war with Russia.

Two Years in and the War in Ukraine is Escalating

Have you noticed that the war is Ukraine is getting more attention, and not for good reasons? Things may be getting worse.
A bank vault

Some Regional Banks See Shaky Financial Future

Just as last year's bank failures fade from memory, problems at some other banks raise fears of a new round of bank failures.