The Pickled Prepper
Foreclosures are not unusual in a recession.

The Bad Economic News Will Continue Until Morale Improves

As the debt spiral drags us under, it will be increasingly difficult to avoid inflation, a recession, stagflation or even hyperinflation.
Inflation leaves the wallet empty

Three Steps You can Take to Mitigate Inflation

While the government tells us inflation is falling, our wallets know that isn't true. Here are three ways to counter inflations effects.
bad news

The R-word is Beginning to Look Inescapable

We won’t know if the fourth quarter is officially a recession until months afterwards, but we’ll feel in our wallets, on the jobs front, and in housing prices.
Teamsters strike signage

Unions Gain Bargaining Power as Strike Threats Drive Up Pay

Unions are have The pendulum has swung towards the unions which have had success negotiating significantly higher pay for members.
$100 and $50 bills

Inflation, Recession and the Dollar

Given the current plight of our economy, it looks like we may be leanign away from recession and back to more inflation.
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Inflation Gauge Shoots Upward, Again

The Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge rose last month at its fastest pace since June.
There's a recession on the horizon and it looks ugly.

Higher Interest Rates To Crush the Economy

Just as you can’t take speed for years without suffering side effects, you can’t artificially amp up the economy and expect it not to crash.
Rioters burn a van in France

Hyperinflation and Global Societal Collapse

As the government under reports inflation, a respected hedge fund warns of hyperinflation, civil unrest, and global society collapse.
Sam's Club packed to the rafters

Feeling Inflation’s Bite and Realizing we’re Spoiled

The big question in 2023 is not going to be “Will there be food on the shelves,” but may be “Can people afford the food on the shelves?”
Sign saying inflation ahead. Image from BigStock.

Inflation: The Worst is Yet to Come

As gas prices start back up, it's clear the Biden Band-Aid didn't cure the problem and things are going to get worse before they get better.