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If the war in Ukraine grows to involve NATO, expect it to move from a ground war to an air war.

Why the Lack of Artillery Shells is a Non-Issue

The ground war in Ukraine is using up the world's supply of artillery shells at a tremendous rate, but Pete says we won't need them as much in the next war.
There ahve been a number of train derailments in Europe. Are Russian saboteurs to blame?

Is a Russia Spy Network Committing Sabotage Across Europe?

It looks like a network for Kremlin spies could be setting fires derailing trains, and committing other acts of sabotage across Europe.
A ground war in Europe will be brutal if it expands beyond Ukraine.

Is World War III Growing Closer in Europe?

Is Europe be carving a path toward war or simply preparing for the worst while hoping for the best? Because the worst could be pretty bad.
F16 fighter jet

Russia Threatens to Attack NATO Airbases

If the Ukrainian F16 fighter jets operate out of NATO airbases outside Ukraine, Putin says he will consider them "legitimate targets."
A building in Ukraine destroyed in the war with Russia.

Two Years in and the War in Ukraine is Escalating

Have you noticed that the war is Ukraine is getting more attention, and not for good reasons? Things may be getting worse.
Sunrise in space

Are you Scared Yet? Psyop or Psy-Flop?

Is there really a super-secret Russian space weapon, or is this an Administration plan to distract us from Biden's age and mental decline?
A city destroyed in war

War and Conflict Seem to be our Natural State

War destroys, but it also creates. Conflict drives innovation. But that doesn't mean is is easy; there is a price to be paid.
An artist's rendering of what an apocalyptic war might look like.

New Wars, Old Wars and Threats of Even More Wars

There are big wars and small wars, local wars and broad wars, existing wars and future wars, and we need to prep for them all.
Used merchandise at a flea market. Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash.

Is our System Collapsing in Real Time?

Tucker Carlson thinks our system is collapsing in real time. Hard to argue with that. But if the dollar dies, so will the global financial system.
Prepper News Update

Problems in Russia are Escalating

Lots of bad news from Russia for a Monday, and he mainstream media seems to be ignoring much of it.