The Pickled Prepper
The dog needs to be walked even in the rain, but some chores must be delayed due to bad weather.

Spring Rains Slow Homestead Projects

Just when it transitioned from cold weather to warm, the rains started, drowning out many of our homesteading chores.
This was Tuesday's harvest as our garden hits its stride.

Vegetables, Critters and Bees on the Homestead

The garden is flourishing, the bees are piling up the honey, and an assortment of young critters is trying to make our homestead their home.
You can see why weed whacking is needed as our beehives are surrounded by weeds and flowers. he bees, however, are happy and productive.

A Late Summer Cool Snap; Homestead and Prepping Updates

It's a good time of year for homesteading, but the calendar also makes it an important time to do some prepping.
This is an example of the bottles of honey we filled from our late-summer harvest, from quarts all the way down to eight ounces. The honey is all the same color; it just looks darker in the larger bottles.

Big Honey Harvest Plus Homestead and Security Update

As summer draws to an end, we harvest our honey crop and some of the last vegetables from the garden. Before winter sets in is also a good time to check that all systems are functioning.