The Pickled Prepper
A black bear

There’s a Bear Out There

Bears and warmer weather return to the homestead. Hopefully we'll see the last of the bears once it turns cold again and stays cold.
Beehives and chicken coop

The Chicks and Bees are on their Way!

Work continues between the rain drops as the chicken coop and beehives await their new occupa

In Search of Meat for my Survival Stores

I don't want to live on grains an greens alone. I am a omnivore unless given the opportunity to be a carnivore. But that's difficult to accommodate when prepping.
The supply chain is crumbling

How to Shorten Your Personal Supply Chain

As the supply chain crumbles and threatens to collapse, you can take steps to ensure your personal supply chain is in better shape.

Two years of Homesteading Lessons

We've been homesteading for two years now. We've made some mistakes and learned some lessons that might help you in the future.
Snowy road image by Ioannis Ioannidis from Pixabay.

Snow Delights the Dog, but the Chickens Hate it

Winter finally arrives at the homestead with temperatures in the twenties and a few inches of snow. More cold is expected.
Eggs stored in our refrigerator waiting to be sold.

Can you have Too Many Eggs?

The early spring has meant a surge an egg sales and very active beehives. Now we just have to hope there isn't a sudden hard freeze.
An autumn scene in the mountains

Heading into Winter on the Homestead and in the World

If we face a war in the Middle East with possible shortages and terrorism, the homestead becomes an increasingly important part of our preps.
A raised garden bed growing herbs and leafy greens. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

Prepping vs Homesteading

Homesteader and preppers probably have more in common than we think, and there is often some overlap between the two lifestyles.
A frame of fall honey

Back to the Hives for one Last Honey Harvest

After a big honey harvest in late August, the bees surprised us and kept producing for another month. We got anther 50 pounds.