The Walls are Up as Chicken Coop Framing Continues
More sunny weather allowed us to make substantial progress on our chicken coop yesterday. We expect to pick up with roofing late next week.
Making the Most of May Weather on the Homestead
Despite rain and sudden cold snaps, May weather is some of the best we will see on the homestead for working outside.
Should Preppers Know how to Fix Small Engines?
If the ships stop sailing, how long will you be able to keep your generator, chain saw, or other small engines running?
The Big Freeze and Southern Snow
We don't get much snow, but our water freezes. We re prepped for that, but it is still an inconvenience. Nonetheless, live goes on.
The Chicken Coop is Complete, but the Chicks aren’t Quite Ready...
We got off to a slow start back in mid-March and the weather wasn't the most cooperative, but we've finally finished building the chicken coop.
Prepper Diary May 8: Chicken Coops, Bee Hives, and Cold Weather
The weather interferes with our plans, but work progresses on the homestead as we continue to ready for our chicks and bees to be delivered.
It’s Spring, Time to Start your Engines
It's the time of year to start your small gas-powered engines, change the oil, grease the moving parts, and make sure your equipment is ready.
Ending our Weekly COVID-19 Report with a Victory
When Charlie Sheen famously said "Winning!" it came back to bite him, but we're still declaring victory over COVID-19. For now, at least.
Evaluating Transportation Options for Post SHTF
What kind of vehicle do we need that would be useful now and after the SHTF? Pete evaluates at several popular options.
Prepper Diary August 15: We Get a Dog and New Bee...
Adding a good-size dog to our prepper property has been a goal of mine since Day One.