Our Solar System Install Comes to a Screeching Halt
Everything goes well with the solar system install until an unexpected problem pops up on Day 4 when it is about 90 percent complete.
Weakness and Infirmity on Display
President Biden's display of weakness and infirmity invites aggressive behavior by countries that are not our friends.
The Big Solar Install Begins
Our solar install begins! We walk through everything that took place on the first two days as we move closer to going off grid if necessary.
Crisis-Created Criminals will Endanger Preppers
A societal collapse, a catastrophic attack, or a similar SHTF scenario could turn people into criminals, what we now call crisis-created criminals.
Supply Chain Disruptions are Back
Logistics experts are getting a feeling of deja vu as the supply chain experiences slow downs and rising prices caused by war, drought and strikes.
Is World War Three Just Months Away?
A recent meme holds that World War Three is going to start in three or four months. Is it? And if so, what can you do to protect yourself?
The Spring Honey Harvest is Complete
We finished extracting, filtering and bottling honey. Now we need to add labels and deliver it to our local retailers and customers.
War Draws Closer and Nuke Threats Rises
The threat of nuclear war appears to be growing beyond mere saber rattling as NATO joins Russia in potentially deploying more nukes.
Busy Bees and the Honey Harvest
Summer is busy on the homestead. We have to take advantage of the warm weather to grow and harvest what food we can in a limited time.
Shh… Don’t Tell Anyone
The Appalachians, and West Virginia specifically, are attracting an influx of folks dissatisfied with their current location.