Tag: Beekeeping
Spring and Winter Duke it Out on the Homestead
Spring finally arrives, but winter won't be pushed out so easily. The warm weather lets us do long-awaited chores while the freezing rains drives us indoors.
It was a Tough Winter for our Honey Bees
The weeks of bitter cold weather in January took their toll on Pete's bees, but enough hives made it through he can rebuild his apiary.
Big Honey Harvest Plus Homestead and Security Update
As summer draws to an end, we harvest our honey crop and some of the last vegetables from the garden. Before winter sets in is also a good time to check that all systems are functioning.
Vegetables, Critters and Bees on the Homestead
The garden is flourishing, the bees are piling up the honey, and an assortment of young critters is trying to make our homestead their home.
The Spring Honey Harvest is Complete
We finished extracting, filtering and bottling honey. Now we need to add labels and deliver it to our local retailers and customers.
Busy Bees and the Honey Harvest
Summer is busy on the homestead. We have to take advantage of the warm weather to grow and harvest what food we can in a limited time.
No Lawyers, Just Guns and Honey
What's Pete been doing? Shooting guns, cleaning guns, and keeping bees. Both shooting and beekeeping are good hobbies for preppers to adopt.
Big Bee News as the Harvest Nears
Pete is trying not to count his eggs before they hatch, but all indications point to a large spring honey harvest. And that's just part of the news.
Checking in with My Bees and the New Queen
Our apiary grows and we may gain a second bee yard to allow for further expansion. I'm running low on equipment, too.
Homestead Updates and Prepping Thoughts
Updates on the economy, precious metals pricing, our beehives, our solar power system, and the use of drones for prepping.