Tag: Bees
It was a Tough Winter for our Honey Bees
The weeks of bitter cold weather in January took their toll on Pete's bees, but enough hives made it through he can rebuild his apiary.
A Good Week for the Chickens, but not the Bees
Egg production has risen with the temperatures, but the flock is not entirely unscathed. The bitter cold we experienced also hurt the bees.
No Lawyers, Just Guns and Honey
What's Pete been doing? Shooting guns, cleaning guns, and keeping bees. Both shooting and beekeeping are good hobbies for preppers to adopt.
Big Bee News as the Harvest Nears
Pete is trying not to count his eggs before they hatch, but all indications point to a large spring honey harvest. And that's just part of the news.
Checking in with My Bees and the New Queen
Our apiary grows and we may gain a second bee yard to allow for further expansion. I'm running low on equipment, too.
Growing my Apiary the Natural Way
You can buy bees, or you can help your hives reproduce, expanding your bee yard or apiary at no cost. it just takes time and patience.
Can you have Too Many Eggs?
The early spring has meant a surge an egg sales and very active beehives. Now we just have to hope there isn't a sudden hard freeze.
Signs of an Early Spring
Suddenly, spring was here. The bees were flying, the robins were hunting worms, and the bats were catching insects. The homestead is getting busy again.
Mucking out the Chicken Coop
We take advantage of the warmest day yet in February to catch up on homestead chores. It's no fun, but needs to be don
Back to the Hives for one Last Honey Harvest
After a big honey harvest in late August, the bees surprised us and kept producing for another month. We got anther 50 pounds.