The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Chickens

chicksn on their roost

Will Raising Chickens Make you Self-Sufficient?

Will chickens make you self-sufficient? No, but chickens are a step towards reducing your dependency on big food.
Chickens pecking at some scratch in their chicken run.

Raising Chickens in Just 10 Minutes per Day

How-to information for newbies plus tips and techniques to make raising chickens and getting fresh eggs quick and easy.
Wild blackberries blooming

Homesteading Activities Kick into High Gear

As our last frost date is behind us and temperatures rise, we "spring" into full speed, as do our bees and the plants in our garden beds.
Chickens enjoying the spring grass, clover, and weeds.

Are you Prepping in Small Steps or Big?

Whether you prep slowly, a little at a time, or in big batches doesn't matter as much as being prepared when the SHTF. Here's what I did this week.
A basic chicken processing setup

Butchering Chickens is Not as Easy as it Looks

My first experienced butchering a chicken turned out to be more of a challenge than I expected. But it was a valuable experience.
Chickens pecking at some scratch in their chicken run.

Why You Need to Raise Chickens

Chickens can provide a daily supply of healthy eggs at a price that is hard to beat. Plus, you won't be affected by an egg shortage.
A raised garden bed growing herbs and leafy greens. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

How to Survive the Coming Food Crisis

As the war in Ukraine lingers, the odds of a food crisis are growing. Are you prepared to feed your family when there is no food in the store?
Bees seen through the inner cover

Prepper Diary: Warm Weather Means More Work on the Homestead

An unexpected warm spell presented the perfect opportunity to get some work done on the chicken coop and beehives.
A half moon is seen in late afternoon

Winterization is Complete, Just in Time

The leaves are gone, and temperatures in the 20s are expected. Looks like the last of the warm weather is behind us.
The odd egg was laid by a different breed of hen.

Prepper Diary and Homestead Update for November 10

As fall comes to a close, its time to winterize the homestead and make sure the livestock is protected from snow, wind, and cold weather.