Tag: Collapse
How to Handle Shortages and Outages in an Economic Collapse
When things start to disappear from the shelves, when it becomes hard to find your medication or the gas pumps run dry, this advice could help.
How to Prepare for the Destruction of our Economy and the...
How do you prepare for the coming collapse of our society? What do we need besides food, water and shelter?
Get Prepared Now for Infrastructure Failures Leading to Collapse
It's not just our food supply that is vulnerable to disruption. Our critical infrastructure is vulnerable and could isolate cities.
Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
If we didn't expect something bad to happen, we wouldn't prep. What you prepare for and how you prepare are critical to your success.
Inflation Strikes Again and Energy Prices Spike due to Polar Vortex
Our market disruptions continue, resulting in more supply-and demand imbalances and rising inflation. Cold temps exacerbate the problem and send natural gas prices soaring
The COVID Collapse is Coming – Prepare Now
COVID-19 is doing lasting damage to our country and our economy. In this post, we explore the lasting effects and what you can do to prepare yourself.
August 18: California Blackouts One Sign of a Slow Slide
California is sliding slowly towards socialism and an inevitable collapse, thanks largely to self-imposed problems.