The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: EDC

When the SHTF, do you have what you need to survive close at hand? An EDC day pack can increase your chances of getting home or to a safe location.

What is the Most Important Thing in your EDC?

If you are in a mass-casualty event, caught in a riot, or out of the house when disaster strikes, will your EDC be enough to hlelp you survive?
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Time to Check my EDC Pack and Gear Bags

On the next rainy day, why not inventory your EDC bag, but out bag, survival pack and other equipment? Pete found a few surprises in his.
These are the keys I tossed before we moved.

Prepper Diary December 9: It’s a Wasteland Around Here

The move is now 24 hours away and the house is a wasteland, with nothing to eat and no table at which to sit and eat. We can't wait to move to our prepper property.