Tag: Guns
Do Prepping and Hoarding go Together like Peas and Carrots?
People talk about hoarding like its a bad thing. Maybe it is if you can't control it, but stockpiling goes hand-in-hand with prepping.
Channeling my Inner Locksmith to Upgrade my Security
How we renovated and updated the old gun safe that came with the house, including replacing the old mechanical combination lock with a better model.
Beehives and Bullets
A trip to help a local beekeeper turns into an afternoon at the range as we try out his new build and have fun with suppressors.
New Guns and Accessories – SHOT Show Report
Guns should be an important component of your preparedness plan and may aid in your survival after the SHTF. Pete takes a quick look at some new ones.
An Assassin in Action
After eluding police for five days, it turns out the New York assassin was lucky rather than clever. He got caught because he failed to plan for what happened afterwards.
Installing our New Generator
My prepper friend Karl visits from the city and brings a truck full of goodies, both the kind that hum and the kind that go bang.
Guns and Trouble
A hurricane is far from the last threat we'll face in 2024 and the years to come. Some of the trouble may require guns to combat it.
LARPing After Dark
LARP stands for live action role playing. Some consider it a joke, but its a good way to practices some skills you might need after the SHTF.
Heading Back Inside with the Reckoning
After some shopping around, Pete finds a comfortable inside-the-waistband holster for his Glock 48 to enhance his concealed carry regimen.
Practicing with .22LR Ammo
Practicing with a .22LR is better than dry firing and gives you most of the benefits of practicing with a large-caliber pistol or rifle.