The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Guns

Banshee pistol

ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule Vacated

We the people won a major legal victor today when the the United States District Court ruled its favor and vacated the pistol brace rule.
This was a state of the art pistol in the late 1990s and featured an early (and large) red dot. Pete got it out of the safe for the first time in years.

No Lawyers, Just Guns and Honey

What's Pete been doing? Shooting guns, cleaning guns, and keeping bees. Both shooting and beekeeping are good hobbies for preppers to adopt.
This is an image of the Banish 22K V2 from Silencer Central. While I now own the silencer, I don't have a pistol with a threaded barrel. I took the image from their instruction manual which has no copyright notice.

More Gadgets and Gear for Prepping

Suppressors, drone sand Slim Jims. Wait, are Slim Jims a gadget? No, but Pete throws them into this round up post for your dining enjoyment.
Using a suppressor in the field can help hide your location from opposing forces.

BATF Form 4 Times Greatly Reduced

The wait time for Pete's new suppressors is one third of what it was several years ago, making this a great time to buy one.
An ultrasonic cleanser is a great way to clean dirty gun parts.

Why this is a Good Time to Stack Ammo

Ammunition is decently priced with good availability, something that may change closer to the election or if the U.S. goes to war.
A concealed carry pistol in a holster

Home-Jackings are a Good Reason to Own a Gun

When criminals are at the door, a handgun is often available more quickly than a police officer. Are you prepared to defend yourself?
A burglar uses a pry bar to break into a building.

Lose a Gun, Gain a Holster

The gears of justice turn slowly, but they do turn. Five years after it was stolen, the Sheriff returns a gun to me.
Cache options

Time to Check my EDC Pack and Gear Bags

On the next rainy day, why not inventory your EDC bag, but out bag, survival pack and other equipment? Pete found a few surprises in his.
My latest project, an AR-15 style pistol

A Personal Pistol Brace Update

I hid my pistol arm braces so well, now that they are legal to use again, I can't find two out of the three.
pistol brace

Rethinking my use of Arm Braces on Pistols

According to experts, it is now completely legal to dig your arm braces out of whatever hole you hid them in and put them on your pistols again.