Tag: Homesteading
Can you have Too Many Eggs?
The early spring has meant a surge an egg sales and very active beehives. Now we just have to hope there isn't a sudden hard freeze.
Signs of an Early Spring
Suddenly, spring was here. The bees were flying, the robins were hunting worms, and the bats were catching insects. The homestead is getting busy again.
Mucking out the Chicken Coop
We take advantage of the warmest day yet in February to catch up on homestead chores. It's no fun, but needs to be don
The Arctic Blast Arrives
Snow and bitter cold make homestead chores more difficult, but the chickens seem to tolerate it OK as long as they get food and water.
Getting Sick on the Homestead Sucks
Being sick on the homestead is a hassle, but being sick in a SHTF scenario will be worse. Still, its not a fun lesson.
A Quick Update from Pete
Pete is laid up with one of the many viruses making the rounds. Our rate of posting may drop off for a few days until he makes a recovery.
Extra Eggs Finally Here
Nineteen weeks after they were hatched, the chicks we got in early August are finally starting to lay eggs. Soon, we hoped to be swamped with eggs.
Sub-Zero Windchill Chills us Out
We just experienced the coldest, windiest days since last Christmas as howling winds caused sub-zero windchills.
A Cold House and Wet Weather
A damp, wet day will make the air temperature feel colder. A wood fire is an excellent antidote. Of course, that requires dry firewood.
We get Hit with Harsh Winter Weather
Temperatures plunge, sending us from a nice temperate autumn to a bitter cold taste of winter. We beat the cold with our last harvest.