Tag: Inflation
Hyperinflation and Global Societal Collapse
As the government under reports inflation, a respected hedge fund warns of hyperinflation, civil unrest, and global society collapse.
Inflation Protests Across Europe Threaten Political Turmoil
Across Europe, soaring inflation is behind a wave of protests and strikes that underscores growing discontent.
The Worst is Yet to Come
Policy makers are waking up to the fact that recession is brewing with job losses and continued inflation potentially leading to stagflation.
Feeling Inflation’s Bite and Realizing we’re Spoiled
The big question in 2023 is not going to be “Will there be food on the shelves,” but may be “Can people afford the food on the shelves?”
Inflation: The Worst is Yet to Come
As gas prices start back up, it's clear the Biden Band-Aid didn't cure the problem and things are going to get worse before they get better.
US Home Heating Costs Set to Increase by 17 Percent
Heating costs are estimated to be 17 percent higher this coming winter.
Saving Money as Inflation Pushes Up Food Costs
Five ways we are trying to control our food costs. Food inflation hit 11.4 percent in Augusts, is highest point since 1979.
Inflation in August Higher than Expected
The August CPI was higher than anticipated, as was the reading for core inflation.
Is this what a European Collapse Will Look Like?
This winter will see Europe and the EU stressed like never before. What kind of problems will the energy crisis and high inflation create?
Things Are Shockingly Normal in Town
I look at the energy crisis, the food crisis, and the other problems going on in the world, and I wonder, how can things be so normal in town?