The Pickled Prepper
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Is Homesteading the Way to live in an Uncertain Future?

Do you want to live a simpler life with fewer financial demands and more freedom while you are healthier and happier? Try homesteading.
Laundry on a clothesline

Planning How to Use your Limited Power Resources after the SHTF

Are you prepping for a world with no utilities? What will you do with only a limited supply of power or gasoline?
A couple old cases of .223 ammo from Pete's ammo locker.

Ammo Shortages? Not Here, Not Yet

Everyone says the 5.56 shortage is coming, and there are reports that most distributors are sold out. Locally, we have ammo available, but for how long?
Donkey cart evacuees

The Gaza Evacuation is too Little too Late

It's better to bug out on a donkey cart than not at all. Even better would have been to leave when the war first broke out.
Packing a suitcase prior to bugging out

Should you Bug Out if we go to War?

if the war spread beyond Israel and Gaza to involved Iran and the U.S., will you bug out or hunker down. Pete shares some plans.
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

Buy Food and Gear before the Pipeline Runs Dry

The Middle East war is creating new preppers as Americans feel scared and threatened, Step up and buy any last minute supplies before it is too late.
Time to stockpile gasoline as oil prices will rise.

Thoughts on the Surprise War in Israel

The world has always been a dangerous place, but with the attack is Israel and the war in the Middle East, that danger is now closer to the surface.
The sun

When it Comes to Solar Activity, the Carrington Event was Small

Interesting articles on Miyake Events, which make the Carrington Event look small. Fossilized tree rings show that coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, can be...
San Francisco

What you can Learn from Large Companies

Retailers, financial companies, and other members of the Fortune 500 are leaving cities with high crime rates. Maybe you should, too.
These old mercury times have about $1.60 worth of silver in each one. You should be able to buy junk silver staring at 18 times face value.

I have to Make a Confession

This sudden plunge in silver prices makes this a good time to buy some junk silver. Of course, it's also not a bad time to buy brass and lead.