The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

A bank vault

Did we Just Hear the Starting Gun for a Bank Run?

The banking sector just took a hit Thursday, losing tens of billions of dollars, and it could be the start in a race to the bottom.
A selection of one-ounce coins issued by government mints from around the world.

Silver, the Dollar and Interest Rates

The price of silver dropped today, representing an opportunity for preppers and speculators to pick up the white metal. But is it a good option for preppers?
A ladder leading into a bunker

Survival Communities Blossom in Response to Unease

Would you pay $1,000 per person per year membership to have a remote ranch you could bug out to if the world collapsed?
A fame of bees in early March

Making Sure my Bees are Prepped for Spring

The world may be heading towards war, but we still need to inspect the bees, feed the chickens, plan the garden and get ready for spring.
Heavy snow on mountains

The Unprepared Often Fall Victim to Normalcy Bias

Some Californians thought, “We’ve had snow storms before and it’s always been fine. Therefore, it will be fine this time.” But it wasn't.
A man juggles while all about him a city burns.

Keeping Multiple Balls in the Air

When there are many things that could go wrong, it can be hard to know what to prepare for. We've got some advice on how to juggle your preps.
A man transplanting a plant in the garden

Make this the Year You Garden

With the way the world looks today, there has never been a better time to plant a garden. If the SHTF, you will value every calorie you produce.
A man in a as mask and protective suit,

Do Preppers Need Gas Masks?

With train wrecks, chemical releases, and the looming threat of nuclear war, should you consider getting a gas mask?
A house in the mountains. Photo by Rohan Gangopadhyay on Unsplash

Time to Step Away From it All

Where we live, we can’t get a pizza delivered. Door Dash doesn’t come here. We can’t even join Walmart+. Are the trade offs worth it?
Bees bringing in pollen

No Blizzard for us! More Time for Chores

While bad weather seems to have cut a swatch from California to Minnesota, we escaped and the bees and I both used the time productively.