Tag: Prepping
Running out of Ammunition
The Russians are running low on missiles. The Ukrainians are running out of artillery shells. Will you run out of rifle ammo after the SHTF?
Ukraine this Winter will Give us a Glimpse of a Post-Apocalyptic...
this winter in much of Ukraine will give preppers who pay attention a preview of what happens after a collapse.
Ten Ways to Minimize your Chance of Arrest and Prosecution
The average person inadvertently breaks the law, violates a statute, or disobeys a regulation multiple times a day.
Are we Living in the End Times? Survey Says…
A surprising number of people believe we are living during the end times. So why aren't more of them prepping?
Will a Generator Help or Hurt During TEOTWAWKI?
if the world as we know it came to an end tomorrow, would having a generator benefit you, or should preppers invest in something else?
Are you Ready for the Coming Blizzard?
There's a storm brewing that will bring snow from California, across the mountains and into the Plain States and Upper Midwest. Are you prepped?
Walmart Inventory Errors Lead to Out of Stock
I made a trip to Walmart for something the computer said was in stock. Turns out they have some pretty bad inventory problems.
North Carolina’s Power Outage and its Ramifications for Preppers
Now that people have seen how easy it is to attack a power substation, will we see similar attacks? Probably, unless they increase security.
A Survival Scenario at the Grocery Store
Test your prepper skills. What would you do in this scenario moments after the SHF?
Ukrainian Drones Strike Russian Nuclear Airbase
Ukrainian drones reportedly struck Russian bombers on the ground at air field well inside Russia and thought to be out of Ukrainian reach.