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checkpoint to enter Israel

Unexpected Visitors After the SHTF

The further you can stop someone from your property during the SHTF, the less likely your house and your people are to be damaged.
Medical professionals

Flu Season is More Severe than it has been in 13...

Flu season has started early and looks to be severe.
Child at doctor's visit

Are You Prepped for Winter Ills?

Children's hospitals are filling up thanks to a high rate of viral infections, and winter has barely started. Prep for it to get worse as temperatures drop.
Russian ICBM test launch

Are YOU on High Alert?

The U.S. may be on high alert for nuclear war? Are you? Should you be? What can you do to stay safe in these tough times.
Cache options

Building Caches for the Worst Case Scenario

Some caches are for bugging out. Pete is building homestead defense caches to sustain and rearm him while he fights back.
A highway bridge seen from above

Why Bridges, Highways and Access Points are Important

Blowing up a bridge can have a major impact during a war, but controlling bridges and access points can be important other times as well.
Sam's Club packed to the rafters

Feeling Inflation’s Bite and Realizing we’re Spoiled

The big question in 2023 is not going to be “Will there be food on the shelves,” but may be “Can people afford the food on the shelves?”
An early edition of Strategic Relocation

Strategic Relocation–Do it Now

How long are you going to wait before make the strategic decision to relocate somewhere safer, less crowded, and better suited for survival.
Stacks of ammo cans

Ammo Cans and Homestead Defense

Storing ammo in .50-caliber ammo cans keeps it dry and allows you to grab a few and throw them into your car if you need to bug out.
Sign saying inflation ahead. Image from BigStock.

Inflation: The Worst is Yet to Come

As gas prices start back up, it's clear the Biden Band-Aid didn't cure the problem and things are going to get worse before they get better.