The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

old dimes and quarters

How Much Silver is Enough?

A prepper friend shares his silver collection and seeks to answer the question, is that enough silver? Enough for what? asks Pete.
A contagious patient. Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

Should you Worry About Bird Flu?

The bird flu is back in the news, but what are the odds it will it become the next global pandemic? Should you prep for this?
An ultrasonic cleanser is a great way to clean dirty gun parts.

Why this is a Good Time to Stack Ammo

Ammunition is decently priced with good availability, something that may change closer to the election or if the U.S. goes to war.
Running your chainsaw and other equipment with gasoline engines from time to time helps ensure they are in good condition and will start in an emergency.

It’s Spring, Time to Start your Engines

It's the time of year to start your small gas-powered engines, change the oil, grease the moving parts, and make sure your equipment is ready.
A dystopian future might await us.

How to Face the Three Threats

A dystopian future caused by war, political strife, and economic collapse might await us. How can we prepare to survive that?
The debt clock is ever increasing,

It’s Looking Pretty Ugly Out There

Between politics, the economy and world affairs, it’s looking pretty ugly out there. War looms, inflation rises, and politics degrades us.
A house with solar panels on its roof.

Third Time’s the Charm

We get a third solar power quote, and this one has some nice features. There are a few open issues, but it could be a winner!
Internet connectivity can be difficult in rural areas.

Internet Problems in the Middle of Nowhere

Electronic devices seem to fail more than the old mechanicals ones they replaced. Adding internet connectivity can increase problems.
There's a storm brewing on the horizon.

It’s Ugly Out There, but What Looms on the Horizon Could...

There's a storm on the horizon—the economy, crime, layoffs, open borders, war—and it looks like its bearing down on us.
Power generation plant

Electric Utilities Can’t Keep up with Surging Demand

So many data centers are being built or are in the planning stages that we could see a surge in electrical demand beyond what the utilities can produce.