Tag: Solar power
The Big Solar Install Begins
Our solar install begins! We walk through everything that took place on the first two days as we move closer to going off grid if necessary.
Homestead Updates and Prepping Thoughts
Updates on the economy, precious metals pricing, our beehives, our solar power system, and the use of drones for prepping.
We Commit to Solar Power
We bite the bullet, write a check, and sign the contract with a solar provider. With any luck, we'll have a while-house solar power system installed in 90 days.
Third Time’s the Charm
We get a third solar power quote, and this one has some nice features. There are a few open issues, but it could be a winner!
Electric Utilities Can’t Keep up with Surging Demand
So many data centers are being built or are in the planning stages that we could see a surge in electrical demand beyond what the utilities can produce.
Back to Square One; We Get a Second Solar Quote
Not 100 percent pleased with the first quote we got for a whole-house solar system, we talked to a second vendor and got another quote.
Taking our First Steps Towards Serious Solar Power
Pete has a professional solar power installer from a local company out to evaluate the property and discuss solar power options.
Are Electric Vehicles a Good Choice for Preppers?
None of use will every be able to produce our own gasoline, but as solar power costs drop, can we recharge our own electric vehicles post SHTF?
Backup Power Considerations for our Prepper Property
There are multiple backup power solutions, but solar is probably the best, if you can afford it. Thankfully, costs re falling.
Planning How to Use your Limited Power Resources after the SHTF
Are you prepping for a world with no utilities? What will you do with only a limited supply of power or gasoline?