Tag: Survival
Nuclear Winter and Survival Rates
In an all-out nuclear war, scientists expect temperatures to plunge at least 16 degrees in the first year. The number of survivors may surprise you.
The Biggest Threats Preppers will Face After the SHTF
Regardless of what causes TEOTWAWKI, there will be a number of things in a post-SHTF world you will have to survive. Are you prepared to do so?
Some People can’t Wait for the End of the World
What kind of prepper are you? Are you looking forward to the end of the world? Do you see it as a challenge or a threat?
Three Questions to Evaluate your Level of Preparedness
How well are you prepared if the SHTF? These three questions will help you evaluate your preparedness and plan for the future.
The Forgotten Prep; Beyond Food and Water
Preppers concentrate on food and water so much they sometimes neglect their prepper shelter. Are you ready to survive live without utilities?
How to add Calories to your Long Term Storage Plan
Storing food is critical to survival, but raising your own food can provide critical calories and help extend the life of your food storage.
Preppers: If you Want Peace, Prepare for War
"Si vis pacem, para bellum" implies you can prevent war by being prepared. Sadly, our country has missed that opportunity, but you don't have to.
How to Avoid Being a Drone and Getting Voted off the...
When the SHTF, the human equivalent of drones (bees that do no work and add little value to a beehive) will be the first to die.
Four Groups that will Survive the Coming Collapse
After the end of the world as we know it, I expect the survivors will come from four groups. Are you in one of them?
Prepare to Live in a Hybrid World – Part Two
Steps to take to prepare for the slow slide as our country sinks into third world of blackouts, food shortages, and a collapsing currency.