The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: The Economy

Canned goods from Sam's Club

Inflation Continues its Drive Upwards

The government reported that inflation is rising, but true number is more than double what they said. Hope you stocked up before the latest round of price icreases.
prepper news update

Prepper News January 28: Big Food Raises Prices

Kraft Heinz, the maker of not just cheese and ketchup but many more food items, including cold cuts, hot dogs, Kool-Aid and Maxwell House...
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

When they say “Empty Shelves,” they mean “Food Shortages”

"Empty shelves" is a trending topic, but why don't they just come out and say we have a food shortage? Stock up or risk going hungry.
money getting vacuumed up

Inflation Sucks… the Money from Your Wallet

Government reports show inflation was up 7 percent in 2021, the most since 1982. What they don't tell you is tThe true rate is probably twice that.
violence and war

Ringing in 2022 with Some Depressing Predictions

Happy New Year, but don't get your hopes up. Our 2022 predictions for 2022 say it will be expensive, dangerous, and depressing.
Used merchandise at a flea market. Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash.

Potential Underground Jobs and Opportunities after the SHTF

What will you do when the financial system collapses, the banks close, the stock market shuts down, and businesses close?
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

The Dangers of Running out of Stuff

Will the world as we know it come crashing down because of supply chain shortages? It's certainly possible as shortages may persist for years.
A cash register drawer.

How we will Fight High Food Inflation Next Year

Do you have a plan if food inflation reaches 30 percent next year? Here's what we are doing to cut our food costs.
A roll of Franklin half-dollars that are 90 percent silver.

Taking my Own Advice and Stacking up

That's not a typo. I decided it was time to stack some silver to help combat inflation and hold for post SHTF purposes.
Christmas presents

Give the Gift of Prepping

Whether you give a gift to help someone become prepared or just to create some happiness, it truly is better to give than to receive.