The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: The Economy

The debt clock is ever increasing,

It’s Looking Pretty Ugly Out There

Between politics, the economy and world affairs, it’s looking pretty ugly out there. War looms, inflation rises, and politics degrades us.
There's a storm brewing on the horizon.

It’s Ugly Out There, but What Looms on the Horizon Could...

There's a storm on the horizon—the economy, crime, layoffs, open borders, war—and it looks like its bearing down on us.
A building in Ukraine destroyed in the war with Russia.

Two Years in and the War in Ukraine is Escalating

Have you noticed that the war is Ukraine is getting more attention, and not for good reasons? Things may be getting worse.
A bank vault

Some Regional Banks See Shaky Financial Future

Just as last year's bank failures fade from memory, problems at some other banks raise fears of a new round of bank failures.
prepper news update

Poverty is the Parent of Revolution, Crime and War

What happens when you have a weak economy, a weak president and strong enemies? It isn't good.
A pile of gold like this can be worth thousands of dollars.

Cashing in on some Old Jewelry

That old jewelry you don't wear and have tucked away in a drawer or cabinet can be worth thousands of dollars.
These old mercury times have about $1.60 worth of silver in each one. You should be able to buy junk silver staring at 18 times face value.

Silver Price Plunges 3.5 Percent on Tuesday

Silver went from $22.90 to about $22 per ounce during the first two hours of trading on the New York spot market. That’s about 3.5 percent.
The deficit is climbing

America’s Debt Spiral is out of Control

The United State's debt is nearing a critical threshold, with a spiral of rising debt and payments on the debt becoming unsustainable.
The flag of Argentina.

What we can Learn from an Anarcho-Capitalist

Javier Milei is trying rebuild Argentina's economy from the ground up, but he may have to destroy it first. Can we learn form their experience?
Protect yourself and your data with end-to-end encryption.

Living with a Central Bank Digital Currency

A central bank digital currency will signal the end of privacy and likely our impending financial collapse. There are still some steps you can take.