Tensions at borders around the globe are rising. One misstep, or an intentional breach, could lead to a battle, if not an outright war.
I have previously covered the threats China has made and the aggressive steps it is taking to intimidate Taiwan. Those threats increased this weekend when China threatened to go to war with Australia if it helped the U.S. defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack, as Australia’s defense minister suggested Saturday. Australia will need more than a few submarines to thwart China, as the communist’s war machine is significantly larger than Australia’s. You may remember that China threatened Japan recently as well. China is acting like a bully and seems to enjoy it. The question is, will they go too far?
Of more immediate concern, however, is the build-up of 100,000 Russian troops with their tanks and armor along the Ukranian border, accompanied by belligerent threats from Putin to “destroy” any incursions.
According to this article, the UK Defense Minister said Europe must be “on guard” as tensions rise in the Ukraine and along the Polish border. Meanwhile, NATO’s secretary general warned Russia that the alliance is standing behind Ukraine which hopes to become a future member.
Aggressive Actions
Russia just tested an anti-satellite weapon and NATO has ramped up the number of naval patrols it runs in the Black Sea, both of which could be seen as threats by the other side. In Asia, the U.S. and its allies continue to send naval ships to transit the South China Sea and Straight of Taiwan, which offends China. At the same time, China sends sorties of fighters and bombers towards Taiwan, which they see as a threat.

Separately, Russia is flying patrols near the Polish border with Belarus where Belarus is seeking to weaponize Middle Eastern migrants to swarm the Polish border. This is part of an escalating row in which the EU slapped sanctions on Belarus because of what it sees and illegal elections. In return, Belarus is threatening to stop oil and gas that crosses Belarus in pipelines on its way to Europe.
It is no coincidence that this is happening after the U.S. botched its withdrawal from Afghanistan and offended its allies, making us look weak. Our enemies sense that weakness and look to exploit it.
Of course, having a president with record low approval rating who can’t string together a coherent answer to a softball question isn’t helping.
Other Hot Spots
These are not the only hot spots on the global conflict map. Israel and Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yeman, Turkey, Syria, Libya, Ethiopia, and another dozen countries in Africa and the Middle East are all experiencing some kind of conflict, from civil war to ethnic cleansing to low-level war or occasional terrorism.
We live in a world where there are already wars, but most of them do not affect Americans, so they are off our radar. In fact, the majority of Americans are oblivious to the conflicts between Turkey and the Kurds or the civil war in Syria. A war involving one or more of the larger nations, like China or Russia, would get their attention, but most Americans are emotionally and intellectually unprepared for war. Why worry about war when there is global warming and COVID-19?
As a prepper, you owe it to yourself and those you love to consider outcomes that are ugly, frightening and terrible, like what might happen if the country was suddenly drawn into a war with another major power. Preparing for a war and all its side effects and unintended consequences needs to be right up there on your list with things like an EMP strike, the Yosemite caldera blowing up, an economic collapse in which the dollar becomes worthless, or a breakdown of society. The good news is that when you prepare for one major catastrophe, you are probably 90 percent prepared for any event. Just examine your plans, look for potential weaknesses and shortfalls, and stock up accordingly.