The Pickled Prepper
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Yearly Archives: 2021

A submarine at sea. Image by David Mark from Pixabay.

Why the Submarine Deal is a Game Changer in Pacific

Australia takes an important step to remind China that it is will not lie down and be bullied as naval power in the Pacific rises to prominence again.

Prepper News Update for September 17

Cold Winter Predicted for most of U.S., Canada The 2022 Old Farmer’s Almanac’s editor says “This coming winter could well be one of the longest...
Spaghetti was available for 79 cents per pound at Sam's Club on September 15, 2021

Prices Rise but Some Bargains Remain at Sam’s Club

The prices of meat is rising from visit to visit, but there are still some good buys to be had for the prepper at Sam's Club.
The needle in the red means the electric fence isn't working.

How to Screw Up Your Electric Fence Build

I've never installed an electric fence before, and it showed. Sometimes watching YouTube can't replace trial and error.

Prepper News Update for September 14

Food prices, energy prices, even producer prices are increasing. We're in for some ugly economic times ahead.
Man wearing face mask. Photo by Engin Akyurt on unsplash

Make a Choice, Face the Consequences

People make bad decisions all the time. Some have minor consequences, others may lead to death. The government can't save them all, nor should they.
A Prepping Primer

A Prepping Primer: Five Basic Steps for New Preppers – Part...

Too many beginning preppers don’t know where to start or focus on the wrong items. Learn from my experience and avoid stupid prepping mistakes.
A Prepping Primer

A Prepping Primer: Five Basic Steps for New Preppers – Part...

Too many beginning preppers don't know where to start or focus on the wrong items. Learn from my experience and avoid stupid prepping mistakes.
Vaccine syringe and vial

New Mandates a Giant Step Forward in Government Overreach

Maybe he did it to change the narrative away from the Afghanistan withdrawal, but Biden's new vaccine mandates are another example of executive overreach.
Soybeans growing in a field. Photo by Braden Egli on Unsplash.

Prepare for Unrest, War and Regime Change Next Year

As food prices rise in the U.S., its worse in countries that import the majority of their food. Expect shortages and much higher prices to cause disruption in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.