The Pickled Prepper
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Yearly Archives: 2021

Crime Scene

We Know we Made the Right Decision when we Left the...

We've owned our Prepper Property for more than a year and lived in it full time for about six months. Talk about getting out while the getting was good!
A natural gas stovetop

An Unintended Consequence of Green Policies is Higher Prices

if you have ever focused on one outcome so intently you missed the obvious, then you have experienced the problem with the Green New Deal and our politicians.

Imagine a World Without New Semiconductors and Microchips

A slowdown in the production of new cars due to a lack of microchips may be just a taste of what the future holds. Chips are a huge potential weakpoint in the global supply chain.
$100 and $50 bills

Is Inflation Transitory? Some, Yes, but Most is Not

The government and the Fed keep telling us that inflation is transitory. Don't believe them. Some inflation is transitory, but too much of it is not and that will keep prices rising.
Bottled water as far as the eye can see.

Costco Shopping Trip Shows No Sign of Inflation, Yet

I visit two stores known for low prices and I found no signs of inflation. But its there at the gas pump.
Road Trip

Transitory Hyperinflation is Here and More Bad News

I head down the mountain to revisit society and the news isn't good. Gas is more expensive, food is costly, and the word "hyperinflation" is no longer just used to describe other countries,
Circus ring with elephants

Bread and Circuses Only Work When there’s Enough Bread to go...

funny how a tactic developed more than a thousand years ago still works today. It must be human nature to be easily distracted at the expense of long-term problems.
A pendulum. Image by Cloé Gérard from Pixabay.

It’s Time for the Pendulum to Swing Back to the Middle

You can always count on a pendulum to eventually swing back, but the problems start when it goes too far.
Forging my knife.

My First Experience at Forging Yields a Rough Knife

I had a fun day forging, but the results of my first time at an anvil left something to be desired. Still, it was a good lesson.
Bees on a frame of honey

Feeding the Bees and Cleaning the Chickens

We may have small stock, but its keeping us busy! From feeding the bees to cleaning chicks with pasty butt, it's all part of a day in the life of a homseteader.