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Yearly Archives: 2021
Prepper Diary October 17: A Long Awaited Day Arrives
It's full fledged autumn here. The leaves are falling, the temperatures are dropping, and we're getting ready for winter. Are you ready for a "dark winter?"
Bare Shelves Trending on Twitter and in your Local Store
A year ago, Candidate Biden blamed empty store shelves on "a lack of leadership." Now President Biden is blaming empty store shelves on businesses. What a difference a year makes.
Prepper News Update, October 15
Butterballs Warns of Possible Turkey Shortage for Thanksgiving
The problem is not a lack of turkeys, but a lack of people to process and ship...
The Government is Knee-Capping the Economy
Is it chance that the economy is spiraling downward and out standing on the world stage is faltering, or is it all par of a plan?
Inflation and Supply Chain Problems Rise Above the Fold
We are reaching that inflection point where inflation and supply chain problems can no longer be brushed under the rug.
Prepper News Update, October 14
Power Bills Predicted to Jump up to 54 Percent this Winter
The first major snowstorm hit the Rocky Mountains north into Montana, leaving from a...
Forget the Raccoon, the Bears are Here
This is a perfect example of why you should never let your guard down. The bears showed up two days after I had relaxed because our mystery visitor was just a raccoon.
Meat and Poultry Shortages Could Surge in November
A meat industry insider predicts more shortages will come as vaccine mandates force meat processors and packers to fire employees.
I Have a Late-Night Encounter and I get a Big Shock
Sometimes things go bump in the night. Sometimes the dog barks and we don't know why. Then I saw a pair of glowing eyes in the distance.
Prepper News Update for October 11
File Under “Don’t Say we Didn’t Warn You”
In this article on the new energy crisis, the Washington Post points out that some power plants...