Monthly Archives: April 2023
The Takedown Ruger 10/22 for Survival
Pete reviews the Ruger Takedown 10/22 as a survival rifle and finds it fills a niche in his vehicle's Get Home Kit.
Why there are More Supply Chain Problem in our Future
Whether we see economic warfare or a shooting war with China, you should prepare for it to generate supply chain problems.
First Republic Bank on the Brink of Collapse
After shares dropped 50 percent Monday and another 30 percent on Tuesday, it looks like the next domino in the bank collapse is about to fall.
Are we Heading to a Recession, Depression or Collapse?
The Fed is like a kid playing "Whack-a-Mole," always a beat too late and unable to anticipate where the next problem will pop up.
Revisiting the Suppressed .300 Blackout for Survival
Pete reconsiders the use of suppressed subsonic rounds for survival and discusses several potential use cases.
Weird Weather Brings Beekeeping Challenges
The bees are keeping my buzzing as I real with queenless hives, new splits, a lack of nectar and strange weather patterns.
More Homelessness and Food Insecurity on the Horizon
Inflation and recession are eroding buying power, making it tougher for people to keep food on their table and even stay in their homes.
Lining up and Picking Sides – A WW3 Story
As war looms every closer and the threat expands beyond Europe and into the Pacific, countries are picking sides.
How to Minimize your Taxes, Part 2
There are many ways to reduce your taxes, but starting a side gig and deducting your business expenses is one of the best.
Prepare for your Taxes to go Up – Part 1
Social Security is running out of money. The deficit is rising. Like it or not, taxes are going to have to go up.