Looming UPS Strike Could Shut Down 6% of Commerce

UPS truck on the highway
A looking UPS strike could halt delivery of 24 million packages per day.

I’ve warned about the impact on a UPS strike several times. If you depend on UPS deliveries for food or supplies, take this seriously! They deliver 24 million packages a day, about of fourth of all deliveries. The post office and FedEx can’t handle that additional volume, so the lack of UPS could cause delays no matter how your package is shipped.

Because our road requires four-wheel drive, UPS won’t deliver to our house, so we don’t get much from them. I’m stocking up on the specialized dog food our dog requires and I may refill some honey processing supplies before I need them. I recommend you look at what you have delivered in June and then stock up before the August 1 strike date. I expect the strike will last weeks, if not months.