The Pickled Prepper
Home 2023 December

Monthly Archives: December 2023

A chest X-ray can be used to diagnose pneumonia.

Chinese Pneumonia is Getting Worse

The latest mysterious illness affecting the Chinese seems to be getting worse, with parents and children reportedly camping outside hospitals because beds are filled,...
My latest project, an AR-15 style pistol

A Personal Pistol Brace Update

I hid my pistol arm braces so well, now that they are legal to use again, I can't find two out of the three.
money getting vacuumed up

Stagflation Lies Ahead

The combination of rising prices and fewer jobs is a bad one, resulting in stagflation. We are heading there, as the charts in this...
solar panels on a roof. Photo by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay.

Backup Power Considerations for our Prepper Property

There are multiple backup power solutions, but solar is probably the best, if you can afford it. Thankfully, costs re falling.
There's a recession on the horizon and it looks ugly.

This Indicator says Recession may be Looming

While GDP, the gross domestic product, may get all the headlines, the GDI, or gross domestic income, tells a more depressing story.