The Prepper Economy is Thriving

A house in the mountains
Is it better to buy or build your own retreat? Or pay to join a commercial rereat?

According to this article, “About 7 percent of all households now identify as “Preppers.” I think we can thank the economy and COVID for that surge. I just hope people are buying real food and not over-priced packets of carb-loaded 280-calorie freeze-dried “meals.”

The piece goes into great depth about a survival ranch where you can sign up to have your own space in their bunker and be guaranteed a year’s supply of food. That’s great, but I’m not sure I want to be surrounded by 50 other people I didn’t know when the food starts to run out. I’m not against like-minded people banding together for mutual support, but I would prefer to know them and have a relationship before the SHTF. As the article says, “people behave badly.” Just because someone joins a commercial prepper community doesn’t mean there won’t be the ones behaving badly.

Published 7/13/2024. Read the full article.

The Prepper Economy is Thriving