Damascus Has Fallen — Wow, that was Fast

Prepper News Update
Prepper News Update

Early reports say the rebels have entered Damascus and Syrian strong man Assad and his family have left the country. His army put up almost no defense with soldiers seen running. The smart ones will ditch their uniforms and go home.

The fall of the Assad Regime is arguably good news for Israel and Türkiye, but bad news for Iran and Russia, who were Assad’s allies and now look weak. The rebels, for example, rolled up Syria in about a week. This is what Russia hope but failed to do when they invaded Ukraine. That’s a bad look for Putin.

It may also be bad news for Christian, Alawite, and Sunni residents as the rebels are expected to have an intolerant Taliban-like government.

It remains to be seen if the rebels will be satisfied to capture Syria and stop to consolidate their gains or if they will push their luck and attack Lebanon or other neighboring countries. This could be the start of an unraveling in the Middle East.

Published 12/7/2024. Read the full article.