Should you Worry About Bird Flu?

Chickens pecking at some scratch in their chicken run.
Chickens pecking at some scratch in their chicken run.

There’s been a great deal of media coverage and talk lately about Avian Influenza, also known as the “bird flu.” It’s been in the news for a several years, but we finally have a human patient in the U.S. with a new mutation of the bird flu that seems to have adapted itself to humans and specifically the human airway.

Gee, sounds concerning.

But it isn’t. It’s just one case. Well, two cases, as there is now news about a case with a similar mutation in Canada.

I’m not worried about one or two cases, and I don’t think you should be either. That said, I’m not going to go and hug someone who is infected or do anything else that will expose me to this new mutation, other than continuing to raise chickens. I’ll consider this a warning that a mutated version of Avian Influenza could spread in the future and will continue to monitor the news. It’s not a reason to react, or overreact. Just keep prepping.

Hopefully, most Americans have been desensitized by COVID and won’t take a new “pandemic” too seriously, too soon.

Published 12/31/2024. Read the full article.