The Pickled Prepper
A one-ounce gold Krugerrand

My Old Gold Coin is worth How Much?

The summer before Y2K, I bought this gold Krugerrand for $278. Want to guess how many times more than that it is worth today?
The dollar's buying power is being eroded by inflation.

Inflation Climbs to 6.2 Percent in Past Year

As inflation reaches a 30-year high, wage inflation drops, meaning people are falling behind. Expect it to get worse before it gets better.
Pumping oil from the ground, Image by John R Perry from Pixabay.

Energy Prices up 49 to 60 Percent in a Year

Imagine if your grocery bill, your insurance bill, your electric bill, and all your other bills were up as much as gasoline and diesel fuel.
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Soaring Food Costs up 13 Percent for Preppers

Is it too late to stock your pantry shelves? Not yet, but our research shows prices have jumped 13 percent since January. However, one place costs half as much as Amazon.
A homeless man. Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay.

Stagflation: What is it and How to Prepare for it

The word "stagflation" sounds bad, and it is. Its worse for the consumer then inflation, but better than hyperinflation.
The dollar's buying power is being eroded by inflation.

Introducing the Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report

We can all feel the pinch of inflation in our pocketbooks, but how can we measure it? The Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report will track inflation for goods preppers buy.
$100 bills

Cutting Our Legs out from Under Us – Part Four

Inflation erodes our buying power, weakening our state and its citizens. It makes each of us poorer without changing the balance in our bank accounts.
Two fish on a plate. Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay.

A Simple Economic Model Illustrating Inflation

To really understand the impact of inflation on the economy, let's boil it down to the basics and take a close look.
A curve about to explore upwards.

Inflation and Supply Chain Problems Rise Above the Fold

We are reaching that inflection point where inflation and supply chain problems can no longer be brushed under the rug.
Stock market charts

The Systematic Destruction of the Economy Continues

When everything the government does seems to make inflation higher and the economy worse, you have to ask yourself: Are they doing it on purpose?