The Pickled Prepper
You can see how this inside-the-waistband holster and gun could be easily concealed by draping the shirt over it..

New Mexico Governor Bans Guns in Albuquerque

We must act to stop the use of so-called "public heath emergencies" to ban guns in New Mexico or it will be happening in your state.
Vivek Ramaswamy drew a lot of fire at the Republican debate.

My View on the Republican Debate Results

This week's Republican debate has little to do with prepping, but it's a nice change from talking about war, famine, pestilence and collapse.
bad news

The R-word is Beginning to Look Inescapable

We won’t know if the fourth quarter is officially a recession until months afterwards, but we’ll feel in our wallets, on the jobs front, and in housing prices.
A gavel

When Layers Lie on the Stand for All to See

I thought you have to be smart to get through law school, but some of the lawyer's we've seen on the stand this past week make me question that assumption.
When I was a kid, I thought my future would involve space trave; and any aliens we dealt with would be from other star systems, not South and Central American

The Future that Withered on the Vine

When I was a boy, the future looked bright. Now that I am living in that future, it's pretty disappointing. I blame the politicians.