The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Bees

A bee smoker

A Tough Year so far for Bees and Honey

The honey season is off to a slow start thanks to a cool and wet spring, but things are beginning to look up on the homestead.
Staining beehives to protect them from the weather.

Weird Weather Brings Beekeeping Challenges

The bees are keeping my buzzing as I real with queenless hives, new splits, a lack of nectar and strange weather patterns.
This frame pulled from my beehive shows brood in multiple stages. If you look carefully, you can see the eggs.

Working on my Farmer Tan and Splitting Bees

A long day spent int he bee yard getting stung and splitting hives, but we're nor done yet as we expand to seven hives.
A pile of dead bees on the grass

Bad Bee News in a Busy Week

Spring is usually a time of rebirth and young animals, but winter wasn't done with us. The recent cold snap caused death and destruction.
A fame of bees in early March

Making Sure my Bees are Prepped for Spring

The world may be heading towards war, but we still need to inspect the bees, feed the chickens, plan the garden and get ready for spring.
Bees bringing in pollen

No Blizzard for us! More Time for Chores

While bad weather seems to have cut a swatch from California to Minnesota, we escaped and the bees and I both used the time productively.
A hive full of bees in mid-February

My Bees Make an Early Winter Comeback

Our bees are off to a strong start thanks to warm weather. That could be good or it could be bad, but it definitely requires management.
Frames pulled from beehives this summer but never harvested are use to feed the bees in the winter.

After the Blizzard, a Comparative Heatwave

The blizzard behind us, the warm temperatures provide relief for people and livestock and a chance to do homestead chores.
Pumping oxalic acid into a beehive to kill varroa mites.

Prepper Lessons, Cold Weather, and a Possible Blizzard

We are preparing for winter, the possibility of sub-zero temperatures, and a Christmas Blizzard. Are you prepper for that?
A few bees venture out in the November sun.

Getting the Beehives Ready for Winter

Here are the details on how we insulate and wrap our hives to give our bees an added chance to survive the winter, plus a farm inflation report.