The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Forest fire

We had a load of red oak delivered are are stacking it on pallets to dry. This is intended to burn next winter, but if it continues to be this cold, we may need it this spring.

Fire, Water, and Chickens

The road thaws out enough to become passable, the pipes are no longer frozen, and we take the opportunity to stock up on some critical items.
Flames rushing down a hillside in Los Angeles

The Death of the American Dream

When our politicians should be helping Los Angeles residents, they are laying blame and pointing fingers. Be prepared to get no help in a disaster.
Fires in California spread through Los Angeles due to 100 mph winds.

Fire Races into Los Angeles, Worst yet to Come

The fires rushing through parts of the city are an unexpected disaster that is already being the considered the worst of its kind ever.
Red flags

Is it Just me? Or is the World Falling Apart?

Danger zones, hot spots, and red flags seem to litter the global map. When things go wrong, they seem to go wrong everywhere, all at once.
Fireman amid the rubble on 9/11. Photo by David Mark from Pixabay,

September 11: Natural Disasters Threaten as we Remember 9/11

The attacks on 9/11 were unexpected, but America rose to the occasion. How unfortunate that we cannot do so in the face of COVID-19.
California forest burns. Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

August 25 Report: It’s been a Hell of a Week and...

Forest fires sweep across California, hurricanes in the Gulf Coast, COVID-19 outbreaks on college campuses and looting in Kenosha. It's been a hell of a week.