The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Guns

pistol brace

ATF May Make Pistol Braces Illegal without Tax Stamp

Early indications are that the ATF will rule AR15 style pistol using a pistol brace are actually SBRs and require them to be registered.
A man alone in the forest

What to Prep When your Pantry is Full

Once you are stocked up on food and water, what else should you store? We look at valuable additions to your preps for when the SHTF.
Two gun safes

How to Safely and Securely Store your Prepper Armory

A good gun safe should protect your guns from burglary and fire. But what separates the good from the bad? We explain.
It's always a good idea to clean and recondition your gun magazines.

The Coming Assault Weapons Ban–What You should Know and Do

While you're worried about inflation and the economy, Democrats are trying to sneak an assault weapons ban through Congress. Here's how to prep for it.
The banish 30 suppressor

An Exciting Day at the Homestead

The suppressor we purchased seventeen months ago arrives and we give it a first look and a preliminary test.
grain, gas and guns

News about Grain, Gas and Guns

Gas is going up in price, diesel is getting scarcer, but grain prices may be heading down if a new plan goes into effect.
9mm ammunition

President Biden Lies about Gas and Guns

Long known for exaggerating and lying, President Biden told some whoppers earlier this week while trying to promote gun control.
Pete's concealed carry guns.

The Truth About Constant Concealed Carry

If you’ve gone to the trouble and expense of getting a CCW permit, why leave your gun at home? It won’t do you any good there. Practice constant carry.
A body lies on the ground, apparently dead.

You MUST be able to Defend Yourself

Whether in a mass shooting on an isolated event, you have to be prepared to defend yourself and your family. Guns remain the best way to do so.
A consumer drone in flight

How to Take Out a Drone Post-SHTF

In a post-SHTF scenario, a drone could represent a serious threat. Shotguns are one good solution, but you have to pick the right ammo.