Tag: Inflation
Prepper News Update for March 19
News about COVID-19, food shortages, inflation and the possibility of China invading Taiwan as soon as this fall.
Inflation Right in Front of Our Eyes
Prices are rising so fast that I can see the difference from one shopping trip to the next. How long before we seen them jump day to day?
New Supply Chain Issues Could Hasten Collapse
The supply chain crisis is going to get worse, much worse. as COVID-19 lockdowns in China come on top of the Ukraine disruption.
Food Inflation is the Tip of the Iceberg
Consumers are reacting strongly to rising prices, which is no surprise to us. Pete continues to top off his supplies, adding 16 cans of chili to his prepper pantry.
How to Survive the Coming Food Crisis
As the war in Ukraine lingers, the odds of a food crisis are growing. Are you prepared to feed your family when there is no food in the store?
How High is Your Personal Rate of Inflation?
You can see inflation on the sign at the gas station. You can feel it when you shop for groceries. Chances are, everything you buy is going up.
Gas Prices, Food Shortages, and the End of the World
One meglomaniac in Russia desides to make a name for himself by bringing Ukraine back into the fold, and we're suddenly looking at the end of the world.
Life at Home Continues in Spite of the War
Don't allow yourself to get too bogged down or too depressed by a bad situation on the other side of the world. You and I can't do anything about it, so focus on you life and your preps.
Russia is Dooming us All with its Ukraine War
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has already resulted in the Ruble crashing and runs on Russian banks, but it will be no picnic for the rest of us as the war drags us closer to a global collapse
Are Preppers Buying up all the Rice at Sam’s Club?
There is an apaprent shortage of some prepper staple products at Sam's Club. Only one kind of rice and one kind of pasta were in stock.