The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Inflation

Personal inflation report

Don’t Expect Big Consumer Brands to Lower Prices Soon

Coca-cola, Unilever and Kimberly-Clark are just a few of the companies who say they will be raising prices again soon.
money getting vacuumed up

Inflation Continues to Soar

After making large, sudden price increases, companies appear to be making smaller price increases more frequently.
Dried goods for your prepper pantry. Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash.

Last Minute, Inexpensive Food Preps

It is still possible to add food to your prepper pantry without costing you an arm and a let. Here are some examples and suggestions.
$100 bills

Brace for Financial System Shocks

How long will it be before Americans have to choose between their house payment and their electric or heating bill?
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Inflation surges 9.1% in June

Inflation exceeded expectations to come in at 9.1 percent, the highest it's been since 1981. Energy was up 41.6 percent.
House for sale

That Crash you Heard was the Housing Market

The 30-year mortgage exceeded 6 percent earlier this week, more than double last year’s rate. And its going to get worse.
t-shirts in a retail store

Deflation and Inflation at the Same Time

Can we really have inflation and deflation at the same time? Yes, especially when in a recession. Look for deals and snap them up.
Decimated cat food shelves at Walmart

Gas, Grain and Cat Food

We are seeing some positive news as gas prices steady and grain prices drop. Does this mean the crisis is behind us?
A kayaker in rough water

Are you Ready for 2023? Getting Mentally Prepared

Buying gear is easy. Preparing mentally for the end of the world is another story. You need to have mental toughness, perseverance, and resiliency.
bad news

Keep Prepping in the Face of Bad News

Do not to let the news distract you or get you down. Concentrate on keeping your family safe, housed, clothed, shod, and fed. In other words, prep.