Tag: Nuclear War
Europe Rededicates itself to War in the Face of Peace
While Trump brings Putin to the Peace Table, Europe seems to be embracing the war. But as the EU re-invests in its military, the danger grows.
Nuclear War is Back in the News and on Preppers’ Minds
In a nuclear war, will our enemies target our ICBM silos, our large cities, our military bases and industrial hubs, or all of the above? And what does it matter to you?
Prepper Basics: How to Survive A Nuclear Attack or EMP
A quick recap of what to do to protect yourself in the seconds after an nuclear attack. Plus, Ttps on dealing with an EMP strike or other grid-down scenario.
Sudden Nuclear War Fears Hit the Media
The media seems to have embarked on a rush of nuclear war fearmongering, predicting Putin will attack the U.S. before Christmas.
Middle East Heats up as Iran Threatens Reprisals
Iran appears to be planning a larger attack on Israel, one it says "will surpass all expectations." Will this be much ado about nothing or lead to a worst-case scenario?
Is World War Three Just Months Away?
A recent meme holds that World War Three is going to start in three or four months. Is it? And if so, what can you do to protect yourself?
War Draws Closer and Nuke Threats Rises
The threat of nuclear war appears to be growing beyond mere saber rattling as NATO joins Russia in potentially deploying more nukes.
Expert Warns Iran Could Quickly Produce 12 Nukes
A nuclear weapons inspector warns that Iran could quickly produce up to a dozen nuclear warheads in just a few months.
What its Like at the Center of a Nuclear Strike
When a nuclear weapon hits, the resulting fireball and high winds bulldoze everything withing three miles and kill people for fifteen miles.
Korea Preparing for Nuclear War
As North Korea becomes more aggressive and antagonistic towards South Korea, the possibility of a nuclear attack cannot be ignored.