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Tag: Prepping

canned meat on sale at Sam's Club in January 2024

A Good Time to Stock Up at Sam’s Club

It's been a few months since our last trip to Sam's, so we were pleased to find items on sale. Perhaps prices are pulling back slightly.
A city under attack.

What do the Europeans Know that We Don’t?

There have been lots or warning from European leaders about impending war. What do they know that we don't, and should we listen to them?
In the snow, everything looks black and white.

The Arctic Blast Arrives

Snow and bitter cold make homestead chores more difficult, but the chickens seem to tolerate it OK as long as they get food and water.
Solar panels on a roof

Taking our First Steps Towards Serious Solar Power

Pete has a professional solar power installer from a local company out to evaluate the property and discuss solar power options.
A mountain snowstorm

Prepping for the Big Chill

Are you prepped for a polar vortex and all the challenges it can bring? Your best bet is to stay home and ensure you have a backup heat source.
An artist's rendering of what an apocalyptic war might look like.

New Wars, Old Wars and Threats of Even More Wars

There are big wars and small wars, local wars and broad wars, existing wars and future wars, and we need to prep for them all.
A handful of pills and tablets.

Getting Sick on the Homestead Sucks

Being sick on the homestead is a hassle, but being sick in a SHTF scenario will be worse. Still, its not a fun lesson.
The gas crisis was just one of many problems the country faced fifty years ago.

Is there any Hope for our Future?

The 1970s were a tumultuous decade for the United States. Fifty years later, many of the problems we faced then have returned. Can we recover, again?
Making an emergency shopping list

Emergency Buying List for the New Year

Because some things don't store well, Preppers should have a list of last-minute items to buy, if time allows, in the event of an emergency.
Map of weather anomalies

Winter is Back in Our Neck of the Woods

Pete is "lucky" enough to live in the one section of the country where the winter temps are normal or close to it. Looks like a cold January.