The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

A battery charger

General Stores are Great for Preppers

Being a well rounded prepper means more than food, water and shelter. Many of those additional items are available at our local general store.
Slices of canned ham in the frying pan.

What’s Better for Preppers: Canned Ham or Spam?

Which is better for preppers? Canned ham or Spam? Or are they so similar there is little or no difference? Pete evaluates both.
The peas (left) and beans are blooming.

It’s Better to get Shocked than Stung

This is the peak of production on the homestead. In a survival situation, this is when we would be packing on pounds to get us through the winter.
Canned chicken was priced right at Costco.

Stocking Up while on the Road

Pete does some stocking up while on a road trip and reports things in the real world look good, but people seem to be wound tight.
$100 and $50 bills

Inflation, Recession and the Dollar

Given the current plight of our economy, it looks like we may be leanign away from recession and back to more inflation.
The spam on the right actually has more calories than the Omeals 32-meal pack on the left. Don't let sales claims fool you.

Don’t get Ripped off by Crazy Prepper Food “Deals”

You need to be an educated consumer to avoid getting ripped off when shopping for prepper food. Pouches of food are usually the worst buy.
A young man using a folding saw

Do you Need Bushcrafting Skills to Survive?

Bushcrafting and wilderness survival skills are useful, but is surviving in the wilderness really your best option after the SHTF?
A soup kitchen during the great depression

Lessons from the Great Depression

The Great Depression was a bad time for the country. It changed the face of America. We can learn some lessons from it to better prepare ourselves for the future.
To some people, connectivity is everything.

Now we have to Worry About an “Internet Apocalypse”

Some people apparently fear the loss of the Internet more than the fear a global power outage. Increase sun activity could cause both.
Lots of bees

Lots of Bees, Not Much Honey

I have plenty of bees, but little honey. We are all waiting for something to bloom besides wildflowers and clover so the honey flow can start.