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Tag: Prepping

An old hurricane lantern

Three Questions to Evaluate your Level of Preparedness

How well are you prepared if the SHTF? These three questions will help you evaluate your preparedness and plan for the future.
Twitter icon on a phone screen

Is Twitter Useful for Preppers?

Will using Twitter make you a better prepper? We look at Elon Musk's latest purchase and tell you if it us useful for preppers.
Prepping coverage on 60 Minutes

Prepping Goes Mainstream on 60 Minutes

Prepping goes mainstream, according to 60 Minutes on CBS, with up to 10 percent of households prepping.
I voted sticker.

Pete’s Take on the Midterm Elections

When it comes to midterm elections, the down-ballot candidates at the county and local level are the races where your vote makes a difference.
Rioters burn a van in France

Hyperinflation and Global Societal Collapse

As the government under reports inflation, a respected hedge fund warns of hyperinflation, civil unrest, and global society collapse.
A naval fleet

Prepping for the Collapse of an Empire

We are living in historical times in which some empires decline and fall while others arise and flourish. Are you prepped for that?
A house in the mountains

How to Start a Retreat from Scratch

Read the story of a family that bought raw land and built their own retreat, including the many steps they took.
Barge traffic on the Mississippi

Supply Chain Threats Suddenly Appear

War, drought and politics once again threaten our food, energy and the supply chain, no doubt leading to more inflation.
checkpoint to enter Israel

Unexpected Visitors After the SHTF

The further you can stop someone from your property during the SHTF, the less likely your house and your people are to be damaged.
Medical professionals

Flu Season is More Severe than it has been in 13...

Flu season has started early and looks to be severe.