The Pickled Prepper
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Rows of stacked firewood

Firewood and Desperation Before and After the SHTF

When you heat with wood, it changes how you look at the forest around you. Every tree looks like a potential source of heat.
A worried child in the forest

Europe Desperate for Heat as Collapse Grows Closer

As the cost of energy soars and shortages are expected, European families are searching the forests for sticks and twigs than can burn for heat.
A picture of gasoline selling for $4.19

Brace for Higher Gas Prices

OPEC is cutting oil production, causing the white house to throw a hissy fit, but they only have themselves to blame after Biden offended MBS.
A women's hands clenching a blanket.

Keeping Warm in a Cold House

As energy costs rise and natural gas grows scarce in Europe, people need to find new ways to keep warm at home.
Mental illness

How to Handle the Mentally Ill After the SHTF

After the SHTF and the drugs dry up, preppers need to be prepared to handle the criminally insane,to the mildly depressed,
The Sanibel Island Caseway

Floridians Hit by Hurricane Ian in Panic Mode as Water and...

Four days after Hurricane Ian, some people who sheltered in place are growing angry at what they see as a slow response.
Dirty baffles from a partially disassembled Banish 30 suppressor

Cold Weather, More Suppressor Fun, and Augason Farms

After the cold weather sets in, Pete tackles the surprisingly difficult job of cleaning his suppressor and does some online shopping.
A woodland cottage

Thoughts on Dealing with Unprepared Neighbors

How should we treat the owners of nearby vacation homes or undeveloped property on our mountain if they show up after the SHTF?
MEU vehicles in Lithuania

What Would you do if you Knew TEOTWAWKI was in Six...

If someone guaranteed you war was going to break out in six months, what would you do to improve your chance of survival?
Natural gas from the Nord stream pipeline leaks to the surface of the Baltic Sea

Was Another Shot Just Fired in the Energy War?

Three explosions hit the Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines, causing leaks and rendering them inoperable. Who did it, how, and what it means to you.