Tag: Prepping
Prepper Lessons from The Ukraine Invasion
Ukraine did many things wrong during the run up to the Russian invasion. Preppers can learn lessons from their mistakes, which apply to any disaster.
Planning for Life After the SHTF – Part 1
It's good to stockpile and prep, but it is also imporant to plan and think things out. When the SHTF, the time for toughtful decisions has passed.
Putin’s Head Fake Fools no one, but we Keep Prepping
As I write this, Russian troops are moving into the Donbas region of Ukraine. This could be the start of something big.
I went Shopping this Weekend and Bought a Box
For preppers, getting your vehicle outfitted can be as important as geting your house set up. A diamond plate truck tool box helps Pete secure his preps.
Is Your Gun Safe EMP Proof?
If the U.S. were to get hit by an EMP, would the optics and electronics in your gun safe survive? Will your electronic lock work? We answer these questions and more.
Signs it may be Time to Bugout
We all know that its important to be amoung the first to bug out or escape, but how do you make that decision? We look at some signs its time to bug out.
I Don’t Want to Live in the “Dark Ages”
In a grid-down situation, how long will your batteries last? Do you have a way to recharge them? You need a way to fight the dark.
Just Smile, Act Natural, and have an Online Alter Ego
If they can spy on the President's computer, how can you expect to surf safely?
Seven Unusual Items Preppers Should Stock
There are lots of lists of items you need for survival, but this one unusual gear you will need at your retreat months into a TEOTWAWKI situation.
Does Anyone Believe Russia Won’t Invade Ukraine?
It's getting harder and harder to believe it when Russia says they won't invade. I am reminded of the Iraqi spokesperson who lied about the war until the bitter end.