The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

Christmas presents

Give the Gift of Prepping

Whether you give a gift to help someone become prepared or just to create some happiness, it truly is better to give than to receive.
A one-ounce gold Krugerrand

My Old Gold Coin is worth How Much?

The summer before Y2K, I bought this gold Krugerrand for $278. Want to guess how many times more than that it is worth today?
An anti-tank missile.

How Global Conflicts could Explode into War as Threats Rise

Does it seem like tensions are rising around the world and hot spots are getting hotter? You need to be prepared if any of these heat up.
A shooter providing overwatch.

Prepare Now for Self-Defense after the SHTF

You've got guns and ammo in your prepper stash, but have you given any thought to the circumstances in which you would use them?
A rusty can of grits stored in a barn.

How does Old Food Taste? Digging Into our Survival Stash

Its a good idea to inspect and taste-test your long term survival food from time to time. We were dubious abut this rusted can of grits, so we gave them a try.
Rioters in Washington DC. Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unspash.

Get Ready for More Violence in the Streets

Protests and riots have calmed down since Biden became president and the left felt vindicated, but they may be brewing again. Be prepared.
The odd egg was laid by a different breed of hen.

Prepper Diary and Homestead Update for November 10

As fall comes to a close, its time to winterize the homestead and make sure the livestock is protected from snow, wind, and cold weather.
recent stories on Drudge Report

What do Robots and Automation Mean for Preppers?

Automation has made us more productive, more efficient and more prosperous, but doesn't it also make us more vulnerable?
the mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay .

How Preppers can Prepare for a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan

The danger of China invading Taiwan is increasing, and I don't think it will be a small, limited affair. Here's how to prepare for what might be World War III.
prepper news update

Prepper News Update, November 6

More Massive Passive Resistance Among the Unvaccinated This article reports that nearly half of employees in some critical industries remain unvaccinated, daring their employer to...