The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

A family camping in a tent. Photo by Mattias Helge on Unsplash.

How to Overcome Obstacles to Prepping

Are you letting excuses, your budget or a spouse, stop you from prepping? Here are some strategies that can help you overcome these objections.
Solar panels on a roof

Are Electric Vehicles and Solar Power Right for Preppers?

As the price of solar power drops and more preppers buy solar power generators and a few panels, should you consider an electric vehicle?
Corned beef hash

Grocery Shopping, Inflation, and the Cost of Calories

When looking at your prepper pantry and your budget, consider the cost per calorie and throw most of your dietary guidelines out the window.
A tropical island retreat. Photo by Pablo García Saldaña on Unsplash.

You Don’t have to be Rich to Escape to an Island

The wealthy may have their tropical islands, missile silo condos, ammunition bunkers and other escape plans, but you can you can prep on far less.

Prepper News Update August 2

Shortages, old and new, are in the news again. You wont' believe what they predict will be the next thing that's running low.
protests and anarchy

Is the Sh*t Hitting the Fan Yet?

Sometimes when the news is bad and it seems like every elected official is violating their oath to uphold the Constitution, you have to wonder how close the poop is to the impeller.

Prepper News Update July 30

Vaccines Less Effective Over Time The FDA has found that the effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine drops by about 19 percent to 84 percent over...

In Search of Meat for my Survival Stores

I don't want to live on grains an greens alone. I am a omnivore unless given the opportunity to be a carnivore. But that's difficult to accommodate when prepping.
A depression era family

Life in These United States

The parallels between the years leading up to the Great Depression and where we stand today are hard to ignore. Is another crash in our future?
A dry lake bed

How to Prepare for Drought and Changing Weather Patterns

The Western U.S. is experiencing a record-setting drought. How can you survive if your water source dries up? What options are there?